Material storage & Handling

Mass Flow Simulation and Mass Flow Study of Large Stockyards

By applying mass flow simulation method and combining stockyard scheduling strategy with computer simulation, it can realize simulation study on sophisticated stockyards in steel plants and achieve precise verification, evaluation, thereby optimizing stockyard design and production scheduling.

Development and Analysis of Key Equipment and Process

CISDI is proud of its strong capacity in developing and commercializing key equipment for raw material handling and treatment, especially in key equipment and process development and analysis, including dynamic analysis and control for large shuttle conveyor, environment-friendly tripper, updated large discharging car, belt conveyor head extending device and high-capacity conveyor.

Circular Economy and Environmentally Friendly Design

It has been successfully applied to recycled material treatment for Bayuquan stockyard, providing a reliable solution for steelmakers to develop circular economy.
The wide application of water spraying, surface covering, wind-proof net (wall) and closed stockyard design accomplish remarkable results in the fields of dust protection, energy efficiency and environmental protection.


It has been successfully used in Zhanjiang stockyard of Baosteel, Bayuquan stockyard of Ansteel Group, coal yard of Meishan Iron & Steel Co., Ltd. and stockyard of Hengyang Iron & Steel Co., Ltd.